Commercial Parking Decals & Customer/Patron Passes

These regulations govern parking in Forest Hills Gardens.  Commercial Businesses are strongly urged to notify their patrons about the Parking Control Program.  Extra copies of these regulations are available in the FHGC office.

The number of the Booting agent is: These regulations govern parking in Forest Hills Gardens. Commercial Businesses are strongly urged to notify their patrons about the Parking Control Program. Extra copies of these regulations are available in the FHGC office.
The number of the Booting agent is: 718-575-1717.


Any vehicle parked on Forest Hills Gardens streets must be identified either by a valid parking decal or by a properly worded pass. Any vehicle that lacks proper identification is subject to booting and/or towing.

All vehicles, including those with valid decals or proper Resident/Visitor identification passes, must observe the red and white “No Parking” signs. Any vehicle parked in a “No Parking” area, curb plot, crosswalk, or any other improper place is subject to booting and/or towing. Station Square is a No Parking/No Tolerance Zone. Occasionally, temporary “No Parking” zone will be created on the property for, e.g. Tree Trimming, Stadium Concert, Road or Sidewalk Work, etc. Vehicles of owners who ignore these temporary “No Parking” zones will be subject to booting and/or towing at the owner’s expense.

Anyone interfering with the administration of the Parking Control Program or those who disregard the rules of the Parking Control Program are subject to suspension and/or revocation of their parking privileges and of guest parking privileges.

Commercial Parking Decals:

Commercial Businesses located in the Gardens may purchase Commercial Parking Decals for automobile(s) belonging to business owners and/or employees. Decals are only valid when owner/employee are at the designated business. Decals are valid for the calendar year indicated on their face; all decals expire on Dec. 31st and are not transferable. If business operations cease, the decals associated with that business become invalid, continued use will result in the vehicle(s) being booted. If an individual’s employment is terminated for any reason, the decals associated with the employee’s vehicle become invalid, continued use will result in the vehicle being booted. The Gardens office should be notified of any decals associated with terminated employees. No refunds are given for partial year used decals, only exchanges will be made. The Gardens office must have the contact information on file for the vehicle’s owner should the need arise for the vehicle to be moved.

Please remove all old decals and display only the current year decal on your automobile. Keeping multiple year decals on your vehicle make it difficult to identify and could result in your vehicle being booted.

Certain types of vehicles may not be eligible for decals or parking on Gardens streets. Examples: Commercial vehicles, over-sized vehicles, certain pick-up trucks, etc. Check with the Gardens Office for more information. If you would like to download a 2019 Commercial Decal Application please click here.

parking decal diagram

Decals should be placed on the driver’s side rear passenger window.  Decals should be placed on clear glass only; if the rear window is smoky glass, place the decal on the driver’s door window. Improperly placed decals could result in your vehicle being booted.  Please place your decal where described.

Customer/Patron Passes:

Customer/Patron Passes are intended for use when patronizing a business located in the Gardens. Customers/Patrons will be issued a parking pass from the business they are patronizing, giving them permission to park on Gardens streets. This pass is valid for 2 hours and ONLY while visiting the business that issued the pass. Use of a Customer/Patron Pass while off the property can be interpreted as abuse of the Parking Control Program.

The top of the pass indicates how many passes your establishment has purchased. Only one of each pass purchased can be used at any one time. If your establishment only purchased one pass, then only one patron vehicle can park in the Gardens at a time. It will be the responsibility of each establishment to make sure the correct number of patrons are using a pass at any given time.

A pass must contain the following information:

  1. The Date & Start Time must be clearly indicated on the pass.
  2. Business Name and address being visited must be clearly indicated on the pass.
  3. Every pass issued must be signed by the business representative issuing the pass.
  4. All written information must be legible for the pass to be valid.
  5. Any erasures or corrections will void the pass.


If you received a “WARNING” or “ACTION NEEDED” notice, please call the FHGC at 718-268-2420.